Why Lockdown ?
Reached people have a question as to why should these people come down at last, which is the decision taken by the Prime Minister in India.
Today people all over the world are fighting this virus and on the other hand our scientist Dr. is engaged in making medicines for this virus due to so many efforts Our scientists are unable to make medicines.But our doctor scientist together has found out how we can win from this virus, how can we become, how can we win over it.So scientists have come together to find out how long this virus remains alive, on which items, at what places and for how many hours it lives ?
Copper-4 hours
Wood-24 hours
Clothes-9 hours
Water Droplets-3 hours
If we want to avoid this virus, then we can avoid it by taking care of these things, because there is no specific medicine of this virus yet.
If more than us stay in our house, we will not go out and will not meet people, then the effect of the virus is if it is available somewhere else, such as some more railway station airports So from these places the effect of this virus will end on its own and we will get victory from this virus. The reason behind logging down is why the government had locked it down which is now till 17 May 2020.
Testing Kit Now Rupess 2500 only Not 4500
My Lab Research Lab which has developed the Covid-19 Testing kit and this is the biggest think ever because this is made by india in these days so,it is very good achivement .Actually the testing was coming to ₹ 4500 because it was not from India, it was from foreign companies, it was coming from abroad and its prizes were so much, but now this discovery of India has got its own kit and now its The price is also less.
Corona Virus Positive Cases Updates
As we know that the first China America France and countries around the world are fighting the Corona virus and a lot of people have been found positive there. Speaking of America, over 13 lakhs have not been recovered and our India It is also spreading rapidly in which according to the report of May 12, 2020, according to this, you must have seen this photo, more than 70000 people have been found to be positive, 22000 people are right.
Have gone and more than 2200 people have died. India has to learn from us because many gases have come out, even after being locked down, this people was down from about 26 March and now it is till 17 May even though more than 50,000 means more than 70000 people found in Coronavirus India Have gone and this is not right at all, it shows that how many can still come but there is no reason to panic as the government which our Indian Government .
It is said that he has told how we can fight this virus and in the post you just read above, it is also written that we can settle with this virus, you can also watch the video, there are tips to avoid this virus. We have to save our country and go together.
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